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Nic Watson Wellness

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life

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Are you ready  to Alchemize?

Nic Watson Wellness helps spiritually-savvy health conscious folks who are looking for a way to integrate their higher selves with day to day life.   .

You  want a  structured lifestyle that nails it all - better sleep, more consciousness around food and eating, more connection with nature and an understanding of  how to align your life and lift your vibration - for yourself and the collective.


You need mentorship, support and guidance from someone you feel is authentic and has walked the path.


The Beautiful Alchemy Academy is an online space where the teachings of Hatha Yoga, Tantric Philosophy, Ayurvedic Lifestyle and Energy Work come together.


Nic Watson offers Group Programs, Supportive Coaching  and curated Journeys to wellness with a spiritual twist.




The Beautiful Alchemy Academy  Programs

It’s incredible how many people say they’d like to live a healthier lifestyle, but aren’t quite sure where to start. That’s where we come in. The Beautiful Alchemy Academy offers a variety of services and the positive reinforcement you need, so that you can uplevel not only your body but your mind and spirit. Take a look at some of the programs we offer and get in touch with us if you have any questions.

Reiki Healing

In Person Work

Based in the Sebastopol area (Northern California) Nic provides

  • Energetic Balancing Sessions (Polarity Therapy)

  • 1:1 Coaching

  • Yoga + Meditation Classes

  • Individualized Wellness programs and accountability check ins

  • Local Workshops in Sonoma County



The Beautiful Alchemy Program
In-Person Polarity Therapy

This ( The Beautiful  Alchemy Program ) alone was well worth my investment; I’ve gotten more traction in understanding myself and my  through this than with any therapist I ever went to”



The Beautiful Alchemy Program
In Person Mentorship

Thanks so much for the encouragement, Nic! Every so often I think about who I was five years ago and that's when it hits me how much I truly have changed and evolved. You have been a huge part of this. I appreciate all your guidance.


The Beautiful Alchemy Program
In Person Yoga and Meditation

I really loved the content and learning online with the group.


I love how you balance the spiritual, the scientific, and the practical elements of all the lessons. I need to know “the why” of something - from both a spiritual and scientific perspective - to feel motivated to do something, which you provided in an engaging way.

This opened my eyes to Ayurveda and took my spiritual path to the next level 

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